- Ordering -

Ordering items from this website is easy, simply contact Kate via e-mail, telephone or post wth the required information (see NB. below)
Kate is happy to ship her dolls to addresses worldwide.




01225 722685
From outside UK (+44) 1225 722685


Kate Pinsent
Quarry Close, Limpley Stoke,

Bath BA2 7FN

United Kingdom


Fully online ordering is only possible from Kate's Etsy shop.
(Note: The Etsy shop does not carry the full range of dolls as offered on this website). Etsy: KatePinsentDolls


Kate's estimated delivery time is based on two factors:

DELIVERY TIME = (1) Standard making time (The dolls shown on my website are examples and not necessarily in stock)
+ (2) The shipping time.

Kate can provide low cost delivery to USA and other worldwide destinations. Contact her for a delivery price.

If orders are made from outside the UK, Kate reserves the right to add the bank or PayPal commission to the stated price.


Your package may also be subject to the customs fees and import duties of the country to which your order is shipped.


NB. When ordering items from this website please provide the following information:

The scale i.e. 1:24

The section i.e. Tudor

The reference i.e. Lady (4)